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Projector Top Sales Team Company trip in Dapend Historical City

Time:2022-07-09 Views:2373
Build a good relationship team is the secret that we can have good achievements with our clients
According to the monthly sales amount, we will reward the team with the opportunity to have a trip, which can relieve the pressure of team members but also increase the cohesion of the team.
This time we went to Dapeng District in Shenzhen sity. Dapeng District near the marine environment suitable for company party, vacation and do various activities. Also we went to an old historical Dapeng city, a famous scenic spot in Dapeng, which is located in Pengcheng Village, Dapeng Town, Longgang District, eastern Shenzhen, covering an area of 110,000 square meters. It is the only state-level key cultural relic protection unit in Shenzhen. In September 1839, Lord Ryan commanded the victory of the Kowloon Sea Battle against the British, which opened the prelude to the Opium War.

At that time, the city of Dapeng covered an area of about 100,000 square meters. The city wall was 6 meters high and 1,200 meters long, made of mountain granite and bluestone bricks. Shenzhen‘s abbreviation "Pengcheng" today is derived from this.
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